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This amazing fruit from the Amazon Forest of Central and South America, is packed with nutritional goodies for your body.  It has one of the highest amount of anthocyanin in fruits, which acts as antioxidants.  Antioxidants are vital to your body for disease prevention, with its ability to fight off free radicals that can damage your cells.  There has been research done that suggest diets rich in these antioxidants may lower stress and enhance memory and brain health. 


A beautiful bright pink tropical fruit from South America and popularly known as “Dragon Fruit” in South Asian cultures, Pitaya is nutrient-rich and filled with antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Betalains, and Carotenoids. These antioxidants have shown results in reducing risk of chronic diseases. Pitaya is filled with prebiotics that help promote healthy digestion. 


The fruit of life that provides your daily essential nutrients with one whole coconut! The flesh is filled with fiber, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, and many other types of vitamins. High in lauric acid, coconut assists with lowering bad cholesterol and act as a antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial. 

Coconut water is high in electrolytes, enzymes and minerals.  The perfect pick-me-up after a good workout to stay hydrated!


This beautiful bright green tea with a soothing earthy taste, is revered as a staple to Japan’s tea culture. Not only does it taste delightful, it is also one of the most healthiest superfoods. Matcha includes a rare cancer-fighting antioxidant called catechin EGCg that can reduce free radicals that may cause cell damage. Other great benefits include increase metabolism and increased alertness and reduced anxiety.

Chia Seeds

Small in size, but pack a punch in nutrient-rich benefits. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, iron, phosphorus, protein and calcium. If you’re trying to loose weight, chia seeds can be a great addition to your diet.  They are very high in fiber and will help you feel full much longer.

Pumpkin Seeds

These delicious green seeds are very high in magnesium which are vital for controlling blood pressure, heart disease, healthy bones, and blood sugar levels. It is also packed with other nutrients such as omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. 

Sunflower Seeds

Excellent source of Vitamin E and Selenium along with many other vitamins and minerals.  It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help with lowering blood pressure and lowering risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are jam-packed with nutrients such as protein, fiber, antioxidants, fatty acids and many micronutrients. These little guys serve as a complete source of protein, providing all nine essential amino acids. It is also high in fiber which is great for reducing appetite, balancing weight, and cultivating a healthy gut bacteria. 

Flax Seeds

Vegetarians, this seed is your holy grail if you’re lacking in omega-3 fats.  Flax seeds are a great substitute to fish in order to get the essential fatty acids your body needs. It aides in reducing heart disease, tumor growth and stroke. They are high in fiber, protein, and many other vitamins and minerals. It is also extremely high in lignans, which lowers risk of breast and prostate cancer. 

Goji Berries

Goji Berries are red berries native to China and are packed with antioxidants, protein, fiber, copper, zinc, iron, Vitamin A & C. There have been studies done to test the aging process in cells. It has shown that goji berries inhibit glycation, which is the main culprit for aging. Antioxidants are also known to protect against cell damage which in result preserves collagen in the skin.  Other than that, these berries are popular in the aid of improving immune system, energy, weight loss and maintaining blood sugar levels. There has also been studies that have claimed these magical berries have inhibited the growth of cancer cells in patients. One of nature’s most extraordinary super fruit!


Cacao, the unprocessed and raw source of the more notorious chocolate, is the most nutrient-dense source in the superfood world. It is one of the highest sources in antioxidants to fight free radicals and lower your risk of cell and tissue damage. It is one of the highest source of magnesium and calcium and packed with bliss chemicals such as serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylenthylamine. There has been studies done on these chemicals which has been scientifically proven to enhance mood and relieve depression. 


A rich source of nutrients and antioxidants, it has many believe to relieve and manage UTIs and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. 

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